Youth Activities
When a city takes a hit in revenue, some of the first things that get cut from the budget are youth programming and parks and recreation. Luckily, many nonprofits, community groups and churches have stepped up to fill the void.
At one point, Pontiac had six community and recreation centers. Today, we are down to one, youth recreation center operated by the city.
Head Start
We are excited to have Oakland Livingston Human Services Agency opening seven Head Start classrooms coming to Webster Community Center! This, along with a complimentary WIC office will ​

Music Education
Our friends at Accent Pontiac were one of the first organizations we reached out to when we began dreaming about this community center. Accent serves the students of Pontiac schools thru after-school instrumental music education.

Physical Activity
Organized sports like basketball, volleyball and soccer are hard to find in our community. Oakland County PAL has been doing a great job thought their sports programs and pop-up sports around our community. We are excited to partner with them in our gym and on our field.

After School Tutoring
Micah 6 Community has been offering tutoring for children in our community for the past three years. Focusing on math and reading, we've been able to help students catch up and reinforce important skills.
Scoring high on our community survey was the need for mentor organizations who will invest in our next generation. GIRDLE, Identify Your Dream, Accent Pontiac and others have excitedly risen to the challenge. ​